Friday, February 1, 2013

Weekend Reading

1.  Six Traits Agile Leaders Must Have--Larry R. Nordhagen suggest leaders must possess six traits in order to be able to respond to their workers' needs and motivations.  I really like this article and I believe Mr. Nordhagen hits some key points.  This is perhaps my favorite article of the past few weeks.  Please let me know what you think, as I may write more about this article later.

2.  Regulating School-Choice Markets--Interesting article by Michael Q. McShane on the need to find the proper balance in school-choice programs.

3.  Why I support School Choice--Michael Q. McShane of the Huffington Post provides three reasons as to why he supports school choice.  Mr. McShane was a teacher at St. Jude, a historically Catholic African-American school in Montgomery, Alabama. The following is a great quote from Mr. McShane's article: "Rather than judging schools by who manages them, we should judge them based on how well they serve the cause of public education."

4.  Teachers Share Advice From Their First Year--These posts from Twitter and Facebook contain some pearls of wisdom for even the most veteran teachers!

5.  Making Americans: UNO Charter Schools and Civic Education--Good article by David Feith on a charter school with a clear mission that has clearly differentiated themselves and uniquely positioned themselves in the marketplace.

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